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Where Should I Put my Skip Bin? Pro Placement Tips

Posted on Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

When it comes to hiring a skip bin, there are plenty of things to consider. You need to know the correct size, when it can be dropped off, when it will be picked up, and what exactly you can put in it.


But one of the most important – and often overlooked – factors is where your skip bin should be placed.


The placement of your skip bin might not seem like a big deal, but a badly placed bin can be a big inconvenience to you, to any builders, and to the employees of the skip bin company. So what can be done to ensure your skip bin is ready to do the job?


Placing a Bin for Safety

Above everything else, safety must be prioritised. If your skip bin is placed in the way of vehicles, in an area where children normally play, or in a way that makes it hard to reach, you could be compromising the safety of yourself, your family, and your neighbours. Before your skip bin is placed, consider the safest place for it – preferably somewhere out of the way of moving vehicles.


Placing a Bin for Ease

You want to make it as easy as possible for the drivers delivering your skip bin to do their jobs. Not every household has an expansive drive or open grassy area on which to place a bin, but there are certainly things you can keep that will make the job that much easier.


Have your skip bin placed somewhere that doesn’t have any trees or telephone poles around – this way, there’s no chance of causing accidental damage to your area, which you may be fined for. As well as this, ensure that the placement of your skip bin doesn’t restrict the access to any utility lines, telephone poles, or electricity boxes that may need to be surveyed.


Keep It Clear

Wherever possible, you should have your skip bin placed on your own property in order to avoid inconveniencing your neighbours – but be sure to check first whether the bin you have ordered will fit. If you are hiring one of our “heavy”  skip bins – 6m3 or above – there is a risk that your driveway could be damaged, and in this case, it is better to have it placed on the verge.


If the bin cannot be placed on your property, make sure to check with your local authorities on their policies when it comes to skip bins. If your skip bin is placed on the roadside, try as much as possible to ensure it isn’t in the way of other drivers on the road.


The Grass is Greener

If you are opting to have your skip bin placed in your garden, be aware that damage could be caused to your grass. While this damage isn’t usually long-lasting, there are ways to avoid it. Try placing wooden planks down where you would like your skip bin to be placed to avoid direct contact between your garden and the bin.


What to Avoid

Just as there are things to keep in mind when choosing the placement of your skip bin, there are also things to avoid. The main thing to steer clear of is placing your skip bin somewhere that makes it difficult for the delivery drivers to drop off and pick back up. They should be able to drive in and out quickly and easily, without running into any issues.


You should also avoid placing your skip bin anywhere that will cause a problem for your neighbours. If you live in a crowded area or a cul-de-sac, take the time to speak to each of your neighbours that may be affected and gain their consent before placing your skip bin.


The Best Skip Bin Service South of the River

Bonza Bins is a top pick for skip bin hire in Byford, and we’re here to answer any questions you might have. To get in touch, visit our website or give us a call.